Which Cypress command is used to interact with input fields?
How can you wait for an element to have a specific value using Cypress?
What is the purpose of the cy.route() command in Cypress?
Which Cypress command is used to capture a screenshot during a test?
Which command is used to take a screenshot in Cypress?
Which Cypress command is used to select an option from a dropdown?
Which Cypress command is used to perform assertions on the URL?
How can you assert that an element is visible on the page using Cypress?
How can you retrieve the value of a specific attribute of an element using Cypress?
Which command is used to handle cookies in Cypress?
Which Cypress command is used to perform assertions on the visibility of an element?
Which Cypress command can be used to perform an assertion on the text of an element?
Which Cypress command is used to click on a specific element?
How can you scroll to an element that is not initially visible in Cypress?
How can you wait for an element to become visible using Cypress?
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