Тест по основам автоматизации тестирования (en). Часть 1

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What type of testing ensures that patches have not broken existing functionality?

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Why is regression testing important?

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What’s the purpose of automation testing?

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Which technique is applied for usability testing?

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Black box techniqe is applied for usability testing.


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Black box techniqe is applied for usability testing.

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Black box techniqe is applied for usability testing.

When is not a good time to automate the tests?

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Which of the following can’t be tested automatically by a script?


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Automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress point of view.


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True, automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress point of view.

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True, automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress point of view.

What is example of load testing?

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Не верно!


________ is determined by the functional impact of the bug or impact on the application.

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Severity is determined by the functional impact of the bug or impact on the application. For example, if a very commonly used button on the homepage of a website does not work, it is a bug of critical severity. Whereas if there is some spelling mistake in a disclaimer text which is present on the last page and is rarely seen by the user, then it will be of trivial severity.


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Severity is determined by the functional impact of the bug or impact on the application. For example, if a very commonly used button on the homepage of a website does not work, it is a bug of critical severity. Whereas if there is some spelling mistake in a disclaimer text which is present on the last page and is rarely seen by the user, then it will be of trivial severity.

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Severity is determined by the functional impact of the bug or impact on the application. For example, if a very commonly used button on the homepage of a website does not work, it is a bug of critical severity. Whereas if there is some spelling mistake in a disclaimer text which is present on the last page and is rarely seen by the user, then it will be of trivial severity.

________ is determined by the impact of the bug on the business


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Priority is determined by the impact of the bug on the business. For example, if on the Google home page an ‘o’ is missing from the word ‘Google’, it does not impact any functionality but can impact the name and business and therefore this bug will be of higher priority.

Не верно!

Priority is determined by the impact of the bug on the business. For example, if on the Google home page an ‘o’ is missing from the word ‘Google’, it does not impact any functionality but can impact the name and business and therefore this bug will be of higher priority.

Не верно!

Priority is determined by the impact of the bug on the business. For example, if on the Google home page an ‘o’ is missing from the word ‘Google’, it does not impact any functionality but can impact the name and business and therefore this bug will be of higher priority.

_______ is a type of testing performed to ensure that the application being tested is usable by people with disabilities

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Accessibility Testing is a subset of Usability testing to ensure the system or component is usable by people having disabilities.

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Accessibility Testing  is a subset of Usability testing to ensure the system or component is usable by people having disabilities.


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Accessibility Testing is a subset of Usability testing to ensure the system or component is usable by people having disabilities.

What type of testing uses unexpected randomized inputs to determine how software will respond?


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