Тест по Docker (en). Часть 1

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What is Docker?


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Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers that can be easily deployed and run on any system that supports Docker.

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Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers that can be easily deployed and run on any system that supports Docker.

Не верно!

Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers that can be easily deployed and run on any system that supports Docker.

What is the primary advantage of using Docker?

Не верно!

Docker enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers that can be easily moved between different systems, making it easy to deploy and run applications in different environments.

Не верно!

Docker enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers that can be easily moved between different systems, making it easy to deploy and run applications in different environments.


Не верно!

Docker enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers that can be easily moved between different systems, making it easy to deploy and run applications in different environments.

What is a Docker image?

Не верно!

A Docker image is a snapshot of a container that contains all the files, dependencies, and configurations needed to run the application inside the container.


Не верно!

A Docker image is a snapshot of a container that contains all the files, dependencies, and configurations needed to run the application inside the container.

Не верно!

A Docker image is a snapshot of a container that contains all the files, dependencies, and configurations needed to run the application inside the container.

What is a Docker container?


Не верно!

A Docker container is a running instance of a Docker image that contains the application and its dependencies.

Не верно!

A Docker container is a running instance of a Docker image that contains the application and its dependencies.

Не верно!

A Docker container is a running instance of a Docker image that contains the application and its dependencies.

How does Docker differ from traditional virtualization?

Не верно!

Docker uses software-level virtualization, which means that containers share the same underlying kernel as the host system, but have their own isolated file system and network stack. This provides a lightweight and efficient way to package and run applications.


Не верно!

Docker uses software-level virtualization, which means that containers share the same underlying kernel as the host system, but have their own isolated file system and network stack. This provides a lightweight and efficient way to package and run applications.

Не верно!

Docker uses software-level virtualization, which means that containers share the same underlying kernel as the host system, but have their own isolated file system and network stack. This provides a lightweight and efficient way to package and run applications.

What is a Dockerfile?

Не верно!

A Dockerfile is a configuration file that specifies how to build a Docker image. It includes instructions for installing dependencies, copying files, and configuring the container.


Не верно!

A Dockerfile is a configuration file that specifies how to build a Docker image. It includes instructions for installing dependencies, copying files, and configuring the container.

Не верно!

A Dockerfile is a configuration file that specifies how to build a Docker image. It includes instructions for installing dependencies, copying files, and configuring the container.

What is the purpose of a Docker registry?


Не верно!

A Docker registry is a centralized location for storing and sharing Docker images. It allows developers to easily distribute their applications to other users and systems.

Не верно!

A Docker registry is a centralized location for storing and sharing Docker images. It allows developers to easily distribute their applications to other users and systems.

Не верно!

A Docker registry is a centralized location for storing and sharing Docker images. It allows developers to easily distribute their applications to other users and systems.

What is Docker Compose?

Не верно!

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and managing multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to define a set of related containers, their configuration, and their dependencies in a single file.

Не верно!

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and managing multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to define a set of related containers, their configuration, and their dependencies in a single file.


Не верно!

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and managing multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to define a set of related containers, their configuration, and their dependencies in a single file.

What is the difference between a Docker container and a Docker service?


Не верно!

A Docker container is a running instance of an image, while a Docker service is a set of containers that perform a specific task. Services are used to scale and distribute applications across multiple nodes in a Docker swarm.

Не верно!

A Docker container is a running instance of an image, while a Docker service is a set of containers that perform a specific task. Services are used to scale and distribute applications across multiple nodes in a Docker swarm.

Не верно!

A Docker container is a running instance of an image, while a Docker service is a set of containers that perform a specific task. Services are used to scale and distribute applications across multiple nodes in a Docker swarm.

What is a Docker swarm?


Не верно!

A Docker swarm is a cluster of Docker nodes that work together to run Docker services and distribute application workloads across multiple nodes.

Не верно!

A Docker swarm is a cluster of Docker nodes that work together to run Docker services and distribute application workloads across multiple nodes.

Не верно!

A Docker swarm is a cluster of Docker nodes that work together to run Docker services and distribute application workloads across multiple nodes.

What is the purpose of a Docker stack?

Не верно!

A Docker stack is used to define and manage multi-service applications in a Docker swarm. It allows developers to define a set of related services, their configuration, and their dependencies in a single file.

Не верно!

A Docker stack is used to define and manage multi-service applications in a Docker swarm. It allows developers to define a set of related services, their configuration, and their dependencies in a single file.


Не верно!

A Docker stack is used to define and manage multi-service applications in a Docker swarm. It allows developers to define a set of related services, their configuration, and their dependencies in a single file.

What is the difference between a Docker container and a virtual machine?

Не верно!

Docker containers share the host operating system kernel, which makes them smaller, faster, and more efficient than virtual machines. They also use less resources and provide better performance.

Не верно!

Docker containers share the host operating system kernel, which makes them smaller, faster, and more efficient than virtual machines. They also use less resources and provide better performance.

Не верно!

Docker containers share the host operating system kernel, which makes them smaller, faster, and more efficient than virtual machines. They also use less resources and provide better performance.


What is the purpose of a Docker volume?

Не верно!

A Docker volume is used to store persistent data outside of the container file system. It allows developers to separate data storage from the application code, and makes it easy to backup, restore, and migrate data between containers.


Не верно!

A Docker volume is used to store persistent data outside of the container file system. It allows developers to separate data storage from the application code, and makes it easy to backup, restore, and migrate data between containers.

Не верно!

A Docker volume is used to store persistent data outside of the container file system. It allows developers to separate data storage from the application code, and makes it easy to backup, restore, and migrate data between containers.

What is the difference between a Docker volume and a Docker bind mount?

Не верно!

A Docker volume is managed by Docker, which means that it can be easily backed up, restored, and migrated between containers. A bind mount is managed by the host operating system, which means that it is less secure and less portable than a Docker volume.


Не верно!

A Docker volume is managed by Docker, which means that it can be easily backed up, restored, and migrated between containers. A bind mount is managed by the host operating system, which means that it is less secure and less portable than a Docker volume.

Не верно!

A Docker volume is managed by Docker, which means that it can be easily backed up, restored, and migrated between containers. A bind mount is managed by the host operating system, which means that it is less secure and less portable than a Docker volume.

What is a Docker network?

Не верно!

A Docker network is a virtual network that connects Docker containers and allows them to communicate with each other. It provides a way to isolate containers and control network traffic between them.

Не верно!

A Docker network is a virtual network that connects Docker containers and allows them to communicate with each other. It provides a way to isolate containers and control network traffic between them.

Не верно!

A Docker network is a virtual network that connects Docker containers and allows them to communicate with each other. It provides a way to isolate containers and control network traffic between them.


What is the difference between a Docker network and a host network?

Не верно!

A Docker network is managed by Docker, which means that it can be easily configured, monitored, and managed using Docker tools. A host network is managed by the host operating system, which means that it is less flexible and more difficult to manage.


Не верно!

A Docker network is managed by Docker, which means that it can be easily configured, monitored, and managed using Docker tools. A host network is managed by the host operating system, which means that it is less flexible and more difficult to manage.

Не верно!

A Docker network is managed by Docker, which means that it can be easily configured, monitored, and managed using Docker tools. A host network is managed by the host operating system, which means that it is less flexible and more difficult to manage.

What is the default Docker registry?


Не верно!

Docker Hub is the default Docker registry. It provides a large collection of official and community images, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

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Docker Hub is the default Docker registry. It provides a large collection of official and community images, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Не верно!

Docker Hub is the default Docker registry. It provides a large collection of official and community images, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

What is the difference between a Docker image and a Docker container?

Не верно!

A Docker image is a blueprint for a container, which means that it provides all the instructions and files needed to create a running instance of the image. A container is a running instance of an image, which means that it has its own file system, network, and process space.


Не верно!

A Docker image is a blueprint for a container, which means that it provides all the instructions and files needed to create a running instance of the image. A container is a running instance of an image, which means that it has its own file system, network, and process space.

Не верно!

A Docker image is a blueprint for a container, which means that it provides all the instructions and files needed to create a running instance of the image. A container is a running instance of an image, which means that it has its own file system, network, and process space.

What is the purpose of the ENTRYPOINT instruction in a Dockerfile?

Не верно!

The ENTRYPOINT instruction in a Dockerfile is used to specify the command that should be run when a container is starteD) It is often used to define the primary process for the container, such as a web server or database server.

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The ENTRYPOINT instruction in a Dockerfile is used to specify the command that should be run when a container is starteD) It is often used to define the primary process for the container, such as a web server or database server.

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The ENTRYPOINT instruction in a Dockerfile is used to specify the command that should be run when a container is starteD) It is often used to define the primary process for the container, such as a web server or database server.


What is the purpose of the CMD instruction in a Dockerfile?

Не верно!

The CMD instruction in a Dockerfile is used to provide default arguments for the ENTRYPOINT commanD) It is often used to specify additional options or parameters for the primary process defined by the ENTRYPOINT instruction.


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The CMD instruction in a Dockerfile is used to provide default arguments for the ENTRYPOINT commanD) It is often used to specify additional options or parameters for the primary process defined by the ENTRYPOINT instruction.

Не верно!

The CMD instruction in a Dockerfile is used to provide default arguments for the ENTRYPOINT commanD) It is often used to specify additional options or parameters for the primary process defined by the ENTRYPOINT instruction.

What is the purpose of the EXPOSE instruction in a Dockerfile?


Не верно!

The EXPOSE instruction in a Dockerfile is used to specify the port that a container should listen on. It does not actually publish the port, but instead informs Docker that the container will listen on that port when it is running.

Не верно!

The EXPOSE instruction in a Dockerfile is used to specify the port that a container should listen on. It does not actually publish the port, but instead informs Docker that the container will listen on that port when it is running.

Не верно!

The EXPOSE instruction in a Dockerfile is used to specify the port that a container should listen on. It does not actually publish the port, but instead informs Docker that the container will listen on that port when it is running.

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