Тест по Docker (en). Часть 2

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What is the purpose of the VOLUME instruction in a Dockerfile?

Не верно!

The VOLUME instruction in a Dockerfile is used to create a mount point for a host directory to be mounted as a data volume in the container. This allows data to be persisted between container runs and makes it easier to manage data.


Не верно!

The VOLUME instruction in a Dockerfile is used to create a mount point for a host directory to be mounted as a data volume in the container. This allows data to be persisted between container runs and makes it easier to manage data.

Не верно!

The VOLUME instruction in a Dockerfile is used to create a mount point for a host directory to be mounted as a data volume in the container. This allows data to be persisted between container runs and makes it easier to manage data.

What is the purpose of Docker Swarm?


Не верно!

Docker Swarm is a tool for managing a cluster of Docker nodes as a single virtual system. It provides a simple and easy way to orchestrate Docker containers across multiple hosts and supports features like load balancing and service discovery.

Не верно!

Docker Swarm is a tool for managing a cluster of Docker nodes as a single virtual system. It provides a simple and easy way to orchestrate Docker containers across multiple hosts and supports features like load balancing and service discovery.

Не верно!

Docker Swarm is a tool for managing a cluster of Docker nodes as a single virtual system. It provides a simple and easy way to orchestrate Docker containers across multiple hosts and supports features like load balancing and service discovery.

What is the purpose of the Docker stack?

Не верно!

Docker stack is a tool for deploying a group of services defined in a Compose file to a Swarm cluster. It provides a simple and easy way to manage a set of related services as a single unit, and allows for scaling and updates of the services.

Не верно!

Docker stack is a tool for deploying a group of services defined in a Compose file to a Swarm cluster. It provides a simple and easy way to manage a set of related services as a single unit, and allows for scaling and updates of the services.

Не верно!

Docker stack is a tool for deploying a group of services defined in a Compose file to a Swarm cluster. It provides a simple and easy way to manage a set of related services as a single unit, and allows for scaling and updates of the services.


What is the purpose of the Docker Machine?


Не верно!

Docker Machine is a tool for creating Docker hosts on local or remote machines. It provides a simple and easy way to set up a Docker environment on any machine and supports a variety of virtualization platforms and cloud providers.

Не верно!

Docker Machine is a tool for creating Docker hosts on local or remote machines. It provides a simple and easy way to set up a Docker environment on any machine and supports a variety of virtualization platforms and cloud providers.

Не верно!

Docker Machine is a tool for creating Docker hosts on local or remote machines. It provides a simple and easy way to set up a Docker environment on any machine and supports a variety of virtualization platforms and cloud providers.

What is the purpose of Docker Hub?

Не верно!

Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry service that allows developers to store and distribute Docker images. It provides a large collection of official and community images, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Не верно!

Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry service that allows developers to store and distribute Docker images. It provides a large collection of official and community images, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.


Не верно!

Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry service that allows developers to store and distribute Docker images. It provides a large collection of official and community images, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

What is the purpose of Docker Desktop?

Не верно!

Docker Desktop is a tool for providing an easy-to-install Docker environment for Windows and Mac OS. It includes a variety of tools and services, such as a Docker CLI, Compose, and Kubernetes support.


Не верно!

Docker Desktop is a tool for providing an easy-to-install Docker environment for Windows and Mac OS. It includes a variety of tools and services, such as a Docker CLI, Compose, and Kubernetes support.

Не верно!

Docker Desktop is a tool for providing an easy-to-install Docker environment for Windows and Mac OS. It includes a variety of tools and services, such as a Docker CLI, Compose, and Kubernetes support.

What is the purpose of Docker Compose?


Не верно!

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to define a set of related services in a single YAML file, and then start and stop the entire application with a single command.

Не верно!

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to define a set of related services in a single YAML file, and then start and stop the entire application with a single command.

Не верно!

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to define a set of related services in a single YAML file, and then start and stop the entire application with a single command.

What is the purpose of Docker logs?

Не верно!

Docker logs is a command for viewing the logs of a Docker container. It allows developers to view the standard output and error logs of a container, which can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting.

Не верно!

Docker logs is a command for viewing the logs of a Docker container. It allows developers to view the standard output and error logs of a container, which can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting.


Не верно!

Docker logs is a command for viewing the logs of a Docker container. It allows developers to view the standard output and error logs of a container, which can be useful for debugging and troubleshooting.

What is the purpose of Docker exec?


Не верно!

Docker exec is a command for running a command inside a running Docker container. It allows developers to execute arbitrary commands inside a container, which can be useful for debugging, troubleshooting, and managing a container.

Не верно!

Docker exec is a command for running a command inside a running Docker container. It allows developers to execute arbitrary commands inside a container, which can be useful for debugging, troubleshooting, and managing a container.

Не верно!

Docker exec is a command for running a command inside a running Docker container. It allows developers to execute arbitrary commands inside a container, which can be useful for debugging, troubleshooting, and managing a container.

What is the purpose of Docker stats?

Не верно!

Docker stats is a command for viewing the resource usage of a Docker container, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network activity. It can be useful for monitoring the performance of a container and identifying potential performance bottlenecks.


Не верно!

Docker stats is a command for viewing the resource usage of a Docker container, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network activity. It can be useful for monitoring the performance of a container and identifying potential performance bottlenecks.

Не верно!

Docker stats is a command for viewing the resource usage of a Docker container, including CPU usage, memory usage, and network activity. It can be useful for monitoring the performance of a container and identifying potential performance bottlenecks.

What is the purpose of the Docker network?

Не верно!

Docker network is a command for creating and managing Docker networks. It allows developers to create custom networks for their containers, which can be used for communication between containers or isolation from other networks.

Не верно!

Docker network is a command for creating and managing Docker networks. It allows developers to create custom networks for their containers, which can be used for communication between containers or isolation from other networks.

Не верно!

Docker network is a command for creating and managing Docker networks. It allows developers to create custom networks for their containers, which can be used for communication between containers or isolation from other networks.


What is the purpose of Docker inspect?


Не верно!

Docker inspect is a command for viewing detailed information about a Docker object, such as a container, image, or network. It provides a JSON representation of the object’s configuration, which can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging.

Не верно!

Docker inspect is a command for viewing detailed information about a Docker object, such as a container, image, or network. It provides a JSON representation of the object’s configuration, which can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging.

Не верно!

Docker inspect is a command for viewing detailed information about a Docker object, such as a container, image, or network. It provides a JSON representation of the object’s configuration, which can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging.

What is the purpose of Docker image history?


Не верно!

Docker image history is a command for viewing the history of a Docker image, including the commands that were run to create the image and the layers that were added It can be useful for understanding how an image was created and identifying potential security vulnerabilities.

Не верно!

Docker image history is a command for viewing the history of a Docker image, including the commands that were run to create the image and the layers that were added It can be useful for understanding how an image was created and identifying potential security vulnerabilities.

Не верно!

Docker image history is a command for viewing the history of a Docker image, including the commands that were run to create the image and the layers that were added It can be useful for understanding how an image was created and identifying potential security vulnerabilities.

What is the purpose of Docker image prune?

Не верно!

Docker image prune is a command for removing unused images from the local Docker host. It can be useful for freeing up disk space and reducing clutter on the host.

Не верно!

Docker image prune is a command for removing unused images from the local Docker host. It can be useful for freeing up disk space and reducing clutter on the host.

Не верно!

Docker image prune is a command for removing unused images from the local Docker host. It can be useful for freeing up disk space and reducing clutter on the host.


What is the purpose of Docker container prune?


Не верно!

Docker container prune is a command for removing stopped containers from the local Docker host. It can be useful for freeing up resources on the host and reducing clutter.

Не верно!

Docker container prune is a command for removing stopped containers from the local Docker host. It can be useful for freeing up resources on the host and reducing clutter.

Не верно!

Docker container prune is a command for removing stopped containers from the local Docker host. It can be useful for freeing up resources on the host and reducing clutter.

What is the purpose of Docker volume?

Не верно!

Docker volume is a command for creating and managing Docker volumes, which are used for persistent data storage between containers. Volumes can be used to share data between containers or to store data that needs to persist even when a container is stopped or removed.


Не верно!

Docker volume is a command for creating and managing Docker volumes, which are used for persistent data storage between containers. Volumes can be used to share data between containers or to store data that needs to persist even when a container is stopped or removed.

Не верно!

Docker volume is a command for creating and managing Docker volumes, which are used for persistent data storage between containers. Volumes can be used to share data between containers or to store data that needs to persist even when a container is stopped or removed.

What is the purpose of Docker network create?


Не верно!

Docker network create is a command for creating a custom Docker network. It allows developers to define a custom network with a specific name, IP range, and other settings.

Не верно!

Docker network create is a command for creating a custom Docker network. It allows developers to define a custom network with a specific name, IP range, and other settings.

Не верно!

Docker network create is a command for creating a custom Docker network. It allows developers to define a custom network with a specific name, IP range, and other settings.

What is the purpose of Docker network connect?

Не верно!

Docker network connect is a command for connecting a container to a Docker network. It allows developers to specify which network a container should be connected to and assign it a unique IP address on that network.

Не верно!

Docker network connect is a command for connecting a container to a Docker network. It allows developers to specify which network a container should be connected to and assign it a unique IP address on that network.


Не верно!

Docker network connect is a command for connecting a container to a Docker network. It allows developers to specify which network a container should be connected to and assign it a unique IP address on that network.

What is the purpose of Docker network inspect?

Не верно!

Docker network inspect is a command for viewing detailed information about a Docker network, including the IP addresses and containers connected to the network. It can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging network connectivity issues.


Не верно!

Docker network inspect is a command for viewing detailed information about a Docker network, including the IP addresses and containers connected to the network. It can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging network connectivity issues.

Не верно!

Docker network inspect is a command for viewing detailed information about a Docker network, including the IP addresses and containers connected to the network. It can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging network connectivity issues.

What is the purpose of Docker network disconnect?


Не верно!

Docker network disconnect is a command for disconnecting a container from a Docker network. It allows developers to remove a container from a network and free up network resources.

Не верно!

Docker network disconnect is a command for disconnecting a container from a Docker network. It allows developers to remove a container from a network and free up network resources.

Не верно!

Docker network disconnect is a command for disconnecting a container from a Docker network. It allows developers to remove a container from a network and free up network resources.

What is the purpose of Docker-compose up?

Не верно!

Docker-compose up is a command for starting a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It automatically starts all the services defined in the Compose file and creates any necessary networks and volumes.

Не верно!

Docker-compose up is a command for starting a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It automatically starts all the services defined in the Compose file and creates any necessary networks and volumes.

Не верно!

Docker-compose up is a command for starting a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It automatically starts all the services defined in the Compose file and creates any necessary networks and volumes.


What is the purpose of Docker-compose down?


Не верно!

Docker-compose down is a command for stopping and removing a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It stops all the services defined in the Compose file and removes any networks and volumes created by the Compose file.

Не верно!

Docker-compose down is a command for stopping and removing a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It stops all the services defined in the Compose file and removes any networks and volumes created by the Compose file.

Не верно!

Docker-compose down is a command for stopping and removing a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It stops all the services defined in the Compose file and removes any networks and volumes created by the Compose file.

What is the purpose of Docker-compose ps?

Не верно!

Docker-compose ps is a command for viewing the status of containers in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It shows which containers are running, stopped, or exited, and provides information about their status


Не верно!

Docker-compose ps is a command for viewing the status of containers in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It shows which containers are running, stopped, or exited, and provides information about their status

Не верно!

Docker-compose ps is a command for viewing the status of containers in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It shows which containers are running, stopped, or exited, and provides information about their status

What is the purpose of a Dockerfile?

Не верно!

A Dockerfile is used to define a Docker image. It provides a set of instructions for building the image, such as what base image to use, what packages to install, and what files to copy into the image.

Не верно!

A Dockerfile is used to define a Docker image. It provides a set of instructions for building the image, such as what base image to use, what packages to install, and what files to copy into the image.


Не верно!

A Dockerfile is used to define a Docker image. It provides a set of instructions for building the image, such as what base image to use, what packages to install, and what files to copy into the image.

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