Тест по Docker (en). Часть 3

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What is the purpose of Docker-compose logs?

Не верно!

Docker-compose logs is a command for viewing the logs of containers in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to view the output of all containers in the Compose file or specify a single container to view.

Не верно!

Docker-compose logs is a command for viewing the logs of containers in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to view the output of all containers in the Compose file or specify a single container to view.

Не верно!

Docker-compose logs is a command for viewing the logs of containers in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to view the output of all containers in the Compose file or specify a single container to view.


What is the purpose of Docker-compose exec?


Не верно!

Docker-compose exec is a command for executing a command in a running container in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to execute commands in a container’s environment without having to start a new container.

Не верно!

Docker-compose exec is a command for executing a command in a running container in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to execute commands in a container’s environment without having to start a new container.

Не верно!

Docker-compose exec is a command for executing a command in a running container in a multi-container Docker application defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to execute commands in a container’s environment without having to start a new container.

What is the purpose of Docker-compose build?

Не верно!

Docker-compose build is a command for building Docker images for services defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to build images for all the services in the Compose file or for a single service.

Не верно!

Docker-compose build is a command for building Docker images for services defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to build images for all the services in the Compose file or for a single service.

Не верно!

Docker-compose build is a command for building Docker images for services defined in a Docker Compose file. It allows developers to build images for all the services in the Compose file or for a single service.


What is the purpose of Docker service create?


Не верно!

Docker service create is a command for creating a Docker service to be deployed to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the image to use, the number of replicas to create, and other settings.

Не верно!

Docker service create is a command for creating a Docker service to be deployed to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the image to use, the number of replicas to create, and other settings.

Не верно!

Docker service create is a command for creating a Docker service to be deployed to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the image to use, the number of replicas to create, and other settings.

What is the purpose of the Docker service update?

Не верно!

A docker service update is a command for updating a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to change the number of replicas, update the image, or modify other settings for the service.


Не верно!

A docker service update is a command for updating a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to change the number of replicas, update the image, or modify other settings for the service.

Не верно!

A docker service update is a command for updating a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to change the number of replicas, update the image, or modify other settings for the service.

What is the purpose of Docker service logs?


Не верно!

Docker service logs is a command for viewing the logs of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the output of all replicas or specify a single replica to view.

Не верно!

Docker service logs is a command for viewing the logs of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the output of all replicas or specify a single replica to view.

Не верно!

Docker service logs is a command for viewing the logs of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the output of all replicas or specify a single replica to view.

What is the purpose of Docker service inspect?

Не верно!

Docker service inspect is a command for inspecting a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the details of the service, including its configuration, tasks, and replicas.

Не верно!

Docker service inspect is a command for inspecting a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the details of the service, including its configuration, tasks, and replicas.


Не верно!

Docker service inspect is a command for inspecting a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the details of the service, including its configuration, tasks, and replicas.

What is the purpose of Docker service ps?


Не верно!

Docker service ps is a command for viewing the tasks of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the status of each replica, including whether it is running, stopped, or failed

Не верно!

Docker service ps is a command for viewing the tasks of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the status of each replica, including whether it is running, stopped, or failed

Не верно!

Docker service ps is a command for viewing the tasks of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the status of each replica, including whether it is running, stopped, or failed

What is the purpose of Docker service rm?


Не верно!

Docker service rm is a command for removing a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to stop all the replicas of the service and remove them from the swarm.

Не верно!

Docker service rm is a command for removing a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to stop all the replicas of the service and remove them from the swarm.

Не верно!

Docker service rm is a command for removing a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to stop all the replicas of the service and remove them from the swarm.

What is the purpose of Docker service rollback?

Не верно!

Docker service rollback is a command for rolling back to a previous version of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to undo changes made to the service’s configuration or image.

Не верно!

Docker service rollback is a command for rolling back to a previous version of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to undo changes made to the service’s configuration or image.


Не верно!

Docker service rollback is a command for rolling back to a previous version of a Docker service running in a swarm. It allows developers to undo changes made to the service’s configuration or image.

What is the purpose of Docker service create –name?

Не верно!

Docker service create -name is a command for specifying a name for a Docker service to be deployed to a swarm. The name can be used to refer to the service in other commands and in network communication.


Не верно!

Docker service create -name is a command for specifying a name for a Docker service to be deployed to a swarm. The name can be used to refer to the service in other commands and in network communication.

Не верно!

Docker service create -name is a command for specifying a name for a Docker service to be deployed to a swarm. The name can be used to refer to the service in other commands and in network communication.

What is the purpose of Docker stack deploy?


Не верно!

Docker stack deploy is a command for deploying a Docker stack to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the Docker Compose file to use and deploy all the services in the file as a single unit across a cluster of nodes.

Не верно!

Docker stack deploy is a command for deploying a Docker stack to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the Docker Compose file to use and deploy all the services in the file as a single unit across a cluster of nodes.

Не верно!

Docker stack deploy is a command for deploying a Docker stack to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the Docker Compose file to use and deploy all the services in the file as a single unit across a cluster of nodes.

What is the purpose of Docker stack ps?


Не верно!

Docker stack ps is a command for viewing the tasks of a Docker stack running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the status of each service in the stack, including whether it is running, stopped, or failed

Не верно!

Docker stack ps is a command for viewing the tasks of a Docker stack running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the status of each service in the stack, including whether it is running, stopped, or failed

Не верно!

Docker stack ps is a command for viewing the tasks of a Docker stack running in a swarm. It allows developers to view the status of each service in the stack, including whether it is running, stopped, or failed

What is the purpose of Docker stack rm?

Не верно!

Docker stack rm is a command for removing a Docker stack running in a swarm. It allows developers to stop all the services in the stack and remove them from the swarm.

Не верно!

Docker stack rm is a command for removing a Docker stack running in a swarm. It allows developers to stop all the services in the stack and remove them from the swarm.


Не верно!

Docker stack rm is a command for removing a Docker stack running in a swarm. It allows developers to stop all the services in the stack and remove them from the swarm.

What is the purpose of Docker swarm init?


Не верно!

Docker swarm init is a command for initializing a new Docker swarm. It creates the first manager node of the swarm and generates a join token that can be used to add worker nodes.

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Docker swarm init is a command for initializing a new Docker swarm. It creates the first manager node of the swarm and generates a join token that can be used to add worker nodes.

Не верно!

Docker swarm init is a command for initializing a new Docker swarm. It creates the first manager node of the swarm and generates a join token that can be used to add worker nodes.

What is the purpose of Docker swarm join?

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Docker swarm join is a command for adding a worker node to a Docker swarm. It requires the join token generated by the manager node and can be used to join a node to the swarm from a remote host.

Не верно!

Docker swarm join is a command for adding a worker node to a Docker swarm. It requires the join token generated by the manager node and can be used to join a node to the swarm from a remote host.


Не верно!

Docker swarm join is a command for adding a worker node to a Docker swarm. It requires the join token generated by the manager node and can be used to join a node to the swarm from a remote host.

What is the purpose of Docker swarm leave?


Не верно!

Docker swarm leave is a command for removing a node from a Docker swarm. It can be used to gracefully shut down a node and remove it from the swarm.

Не верно!

Docker swarm leave is a command for removing a node from a Docker swarm. It can be used to gracefully shut down a node and remove it from the swarm.

Не верно!

Docker swarm leave is a command for removing a node from a Docker swarm. It can be used to gracefully shut down a node and remove it from the swarm.

What is the purpose of Docker swarm update?

Не верно!

Docker swarm update is a command for updating the configuration of a Docker swarm. It allows developers to change the swarm’s settings, such as the network overlay driver, security options, and node availability.

Не верно!

Docker swarm update is a command for updating the configuration of a Docker swarm. It allows developers to change the swarm’s settings, such as the network overlay driver, security options, and node availability.

Не верно!

Docker swarm update is a command for updating the configuration of a Docker swarm. It allows developers to change the swarm’s settings, such as the network overlay driver, security options, and node availability.


What is the purpose of Docker swarm deploy?


Не верно!

Docker swarm deploy is a command for deploying a Docker service or stack to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the service or stack configuration and deploy it across the swarm.

Не верно!

Docker swarm deploy is a command for deploying a Docker service or stack to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the service or stack configuration and deploy it across the swarm.

Не верно!

Docker swarm deploy is a command for deploying a Docker service or stack to a swarm. It allows developers to specify the service or stack configuration and deploy it across the swarm.

What is the purpose of Docker swarm visualizer?


Не верно!

A docker swarm visualizer is a tool for visualizing the nodes and services in a Docker swarm. It provides a web-based interface for viewing the swarm’s topology, including the nodes and services running on each node.

Не верно!

A docker swarm visualizer is a tool for visualizing the nodes and services in a Docker swarm. It provides a web-based interface for viewing the swarm’s topology, including the nodes and services running on each node.

Не верно!

A docker swarm visualizer is a tool for visualizing the nodes and services in a Docker swarm. It provides a web-based interface for viewing the swarm’s topology, including the nodes and services running on each node.

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